Upon finishing the MS degree in Applied Breathing Sciences, students are expected to be able to competently deliver breathing learning services to their clients, while simultaneously generating a positive cash flow in their own businesses or for other businesses whether as employees or as independent contractors. Meeting these objectives requires mastery of new skills while achieving expertise in relevant subject matter, as described below.

Students are expected to demonstrate expertise in the following subject matter areas as this knowledge is fundamental to developing and then delivering the required skills.

  • Physiology: pulmonary physiology, cardiac physiology, acid-base physiology, muscle physiology, and neurophysiology; plus
  • Psychology: behavioral physiology, respiratory psychophysiology, behavioral psychology, biofeedback, and knowledge of dysfunctional behavior, cognition, emotion, pain, trauma, and sleep.

Students are expected to demonstrate the following skills in their professional practice:

  1. Assessment skills: Students learn to apply the principles of behavior analysis to identify dysfunctional breathing habits and their effects, behavioral components, triggers, motivations, reinforcements, and histories.
  2. Training skills: Students learn to apply the principles of behavior modification for disengaging dysfunctional breathing habits and enabling clients to learn new habits that improve health and performance.
  3. Counseling skills: Students learn to focus their clients on learning solutions, that is, their clients’ own role in identifying, exploring, managing, and overcoming dysfunctional breathing habits.
  4. Consulting skills: Students learn to communicate effectively about the relevance and importance of breathing services to colleagues, clients, and the community at large.
  5. Leadership Skills: Students learn to apply interdisciplinary thinking and results-oriented problem solving to planning, developing, and implementing integrative solutions to health and performance problems that require input from diverse sources.
  6. Business skills: Students learn to prepare their own business plan and market breathing assessment and learning services within their own businesses and/or those of employers or others.
  7. Networking skills: Students learn how to build cooperative and supportive relationships with clients, other health care providers, and the community.
  8. Critical thinking skills: Students learn to draw upon evidenced-based literature for helping themselves and their colleagues to evolve their practices based on the practical implications of advancement in the relevant sciences.

Specific skills include: autonomic biofeedback, awareness training, behavior analysis, behavior modification, business planning, cognitive behavior modification, coaching, counseling (interviewing), data collection and analysis, educational capnography, HRV biofeedback, Internet-based consulting, patient education, physiological measurement, somatic biofeedback, and stress management.